Tearfund Quiz – 14th November

The Tearfund quiz is fast approaching and I hope you can still take part even if you can’t invite your team to your house: think techie and have them on a video link on your phone? (but no calling your mate Google!). 

The Justgiving page is open for donations to Tearfund’s life changing work: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stjohnssouthbourne

We are still offering to deliver puddings to your door: would you like some brownies for a donation? Or a delicious pudding? Let me know. 

The Zoom link for the quiz will be sent out with next week’s church update, but if you know anyone who will be signing in and who may not read the update please get them to email me so I can send them the link.

Saturday 14th November, 7.30pm

Happy quizzing!

Sarah Maclennan / sarah@maclennans.org