We are a friendly community of people following Jesus, who look forward to welcoming you on a Sunday or during the week. We are a Bible-believing, Anglican Church, aiming to be active in sharing Christ’s love in our community and supporting missions around the world. There is a lot going on for all ages, and you will always receive a warm welcome.
Click here for information on our services and events throughout December.
Coming up: Lighting the Tree, Follow the Star, Nativity and Carol Services, Fundraising and Community Lunches, Christingles, a Midnight Service and a big Christmas Morning celebration.
We’d love to welcome you so take a look and join us as we celebrate the Hope and Joy that Jesus brings.
Click here for our Church diary.
You can see all upcoming Services, Featured events and our full Church Diary.
For the latest up-to-date news, click here for our weekly Church Newsletter and other updates.
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Further Information and Safeguarding
The church building is open when our Community Coffee Shop, Coffee Connect, is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am – midday (click here for more information).
The PCC of the Parish of Southbourne with West Thorney has adopted, follows and supports the House of Bishops’ and Diocesan policy and practice guidance on safeguarding. In addition to this national policy you can see our own policy, procedure and safeguarding documents here.