Church Prayer Meeting
4th Sunday of the month, 6.30pm in Church (Not in December)
Online Prayer Meetings
The details and link to join the online prayer meeting can be found in any of the newsletters, please click here.
- Monday Mornings, 8:30am on Zoom
- Thursday Mornings, 8:30am on Zoom
- 2nd Sunday of each month, 6:30pm on Zoom
Prayer for Persecuted Church 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11.30am in the Church Lounge.
Street Prayers Prayer meeting focusing on the different streets and locations in and around the Parish. Every Tuesday, 9.30am on Zoom, please see the Weekly News for more information.
Prayer for Japan. A country that is on many people’s hearts in our congregation. Meeting to pray in the Church Centre Prayer Room at 2pm on the 1st Monday of the month, and 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Praying Friends is our confidential prayer network, praying for the needs of church members and their immediate families. If you have a prayer request, you can email it to: prayingfriends@stjohnssouthbo
Praying for our Church We are keen to see what God is doing and going to do in St John’s and in the surrounding area. Your prayers will make a difference to the life of our church, so we would really love to welcome you to join us.
If you would like to know more or would like to share anything you have received from God in prayer, please contact St. John’s office.
Pastoral Support