Category: News

Daily Update #162

LUKE 19:1-10I love reading about Jesus’ encounters with people, and find Zacchaeus’ story  fascinating.      Jericho was a lovely city with palm trees and rose gardens.    We can perhaps imagine the exited crowds as Jesus came through on His way to Jerusalem.  The Bible tells us that because Zacchaeus was short...

Daily Update #161

Rev 1.1–4; 2.1–5                     Psalm 1                         Luke 18.35–end Today’s gospel reading is an account of the last day a beggar had to endure blindness. 35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told...

The BIG Quiz – Results

Well done to everyone who played the quiz last week- see you on Friday for some more quiz action!...

Service for Sunday 15th November 2020

This weeks online service is now live! We may not be able to meet in person, but we can come together for some Virtual Church!...

Tearfund Quiz – 14th November

The Tearfund quiz is fast approaching and I hope you can still take part even if you can’t invite your team to your house: think techie and have them on a video link on your phone? (but no calling your mate Google!).  The Justgiving page is open for donations...

The BIG Quiz – Tonight

The Love Southbourne quiz is taking place this Friday at 7.15pm. To take part all you need is a pen and paper, and to be here on Friday! Open to everyone – play on your own or as a team – Click here to go the quiz page....

Daily Update #160

Readings: Luke 17: 26 – 18:34. 2 John 4 – 9. Psalm 119: 1-8Do you ever stop to consider the Kingdom of God? My earliest recollection of how it was explained to me, was that the Kingdom of God is in two parts: ‘the Now’ and ‘the Not Yet’.The...

Daily Update #159

Today’s readings –    Philemon 7-20           Psalm 146           Luke 17:20-25 Pause:  Lord God, you reign forever.  Still our hearts and minds now, as we prepare to hear from your word.  Teach us how to sing praise to you as long as...

Daily Update #158

As it’s Wednesday, we have two updates for you! Wednesday Reflection Weekly News Update...

Daily Update #157

Today’s Readings: Titus 2:1-14.      Psalm 37:3-5, 30-32.        Luke 17:7-10. Titus was a Gentile convert whom Paul trusted as a capable and upright colleague. He is mentioned 13 times in the New Testament, but not in the book of Acts. Titus had worked in the churches at Ephesus and Corinth but perhaps...