A warm welcome awaits you at St. John’s! Please see our usual Sunday Service Pattern below, but please check the latest news letter for any seasonal updates:

Gathering together for worship, Biblical teaching, prayer, communion and opportunities for sharing testimonies of God’s goodness and grace. The service takes place in the main church building and and a recording is available shortly afterwards via this website. Our main children and youth ministries happen in the afternoon on Sundays, but there are interactive activity packs available in the morning.
Gathering together for contemporary worship, exploring the Bible in kinetic and creative ways, for interactive prayer and communion. There are groups during the service for toddlers and teenagers, with activities for other children and more groups coming soon. For more information please email Kim and Richard at families@stjohnssouthbourne.com.
Wednesday 9.30am
Holy communion, a quieter service with a more traditional feel. (This service doesn’t meet the weeks after Christmas and Easter, or throughout August).
1st Sunday of the month at 6.30pm
This is a quieter and reflective service of Holy Communion, hearing from God’s word and praying in the stillness.
Other Services There are a variety of study groups both daytime and evening, both on zoom and in person. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with the church office to find out the latest details. admin@stjohnssouthbourne.com