Saturday 28th September – Sunday 6th October

Harvest Fun Morning – Saturday 28th September, 11am – 1pm
Come and join us in the Church Centre for Harvest-themed games, crafts and refreshments. It’s open to everyone of all ages with hot dogs (& veggie options) on sale for £2.
Harvest Displays – Tuesday 1st to Friday 4th October, 10am – Midday
A story told by Jesus through thought-provoking visual displays. It will also be open for viewing on Thursday (3rd) evening from 7pm with a reflective service from 7.30pm.
Admission free
Harvest Service – Sunday 6th October, 10am
Our All-together, all-ages celebration in the Church. Come and give thanks for the food we enjoy as we pray for good harvests and fair distribution. We’ll be hearing from the Chichester Foodbank and donations of non-perishable food are welcome.
Harvest Lunch – Sunday 6th October, from Midday
Following the service in Church, we have a Church family and community lunch. A great opportunity to meet and eat together over good food. Sign ups coming soon. Donations of apple crumbles would be appreciated. If you could help with this, contact Susie in the office.