Supporting Families Ministry

Funding St John’s Children, Youth and Families Ministry

We have seen many blessings among children, youth and families in recent years. We would love to be able to support this ministry into the future:

Amazing things have been happening over the last few years, here are some highlights:

More people coming to the 4pm service, with groups now for toddlers, children and youth. we’re seeing people grow in faith with adults and young people increasingly serving in a range of ministries.

Thursday tots is bursting at the seams and welcoming families from across the local area.

Our connections with local schools have gone from strength to strength with assemblies, RE lessons, church visits and more.

4YG+ gives our teenagers an extra time each month to have fun together and go deeper in their faith in a relaxed environment.

Friday fellowship enables families from within our church and community to meet, eat and explore faith together.

We’re connecting our young people up to wider christian networks, including high tide and may camp.

Our main funding grant comes to an end in September 2024, and we continue to apply to others. But to see this ministry continue into the future, and grow to see even more young people and their families come to know Jesus, we need to raise a significant, regular amount of money.

If you are able to contribute towards funding this ministry at this time, would you please click this button to give online:  

If you would prefer to give by cheque or by direct transfer to St. John’s bank account, please contact the Treasurer, Ian Maclennan on and he will be glad to help you.  

Thank you.