Christmas at St John’s

You’re invited to join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus and sharing in the hope and joy of Christmas. Scroll down for the full details of what’s happening throughout December, or download the flyer here:

The first Carol Service at 4.30pm is designed with all-ages in mind and includes popular carols. Please stay after the service for refreshments in the Centre, with donations taken in aid of Local Families in Need. We also understand that the Christmas Tractor parade will be traveling past at just the right time to have a drink and then go outside to watch!
At 7pm it is our more traditional service of lessons and carols, followed by refreshments in the Church Centre. A great opportunity to sing and listen to Christmas carols and music.

On Christmas Eve we have two Christingle services this year, 3.30pm has younger children in mind, but everyone is welcome to either. Come and make a Christingle to remember the reasons why Jesus came into the world to bring us hope and joy.

A traditional way to see in Christmas morning with a midnight Communion service in Church from 11pm, finishing just after midnight. Everyone welcome. A voluntary collection will be taken for Stone Pillow.

Christmas morning services are always amazing fun at St John’s! Come and celebrate the birth of our saviour from 10am with Carols and the Christmas story. You’re invited to bring one of your newly-opened presents and after the 10am service, there is also a short service of Communion at 11am. Come and share in the hope and joy!

This isn’t even all that is happening in December. Many of our usual groups continue, and we have a special Christmas Lunch Club and a Fundraising Lunch for Local Families in Need, amongst other events. Please see details of those and all other services and events below: