Daily Update #144

Today’s readings –    Ephesians 3:14-21    Psalm 33:1-6    Luke 12:49-53 Pause:  Lord Jesus, still our hearts and minds now, as we prepare to hear from your word.  Help us to listen effectively to you as you speak to us through the ages, as you call us deeper into relationship with you.  Give us your divine power …

Daily Update #142

Today’s Readings – Ephesians 2:12-22.     Psalm 85:7-13.      Luke 12:35-38. I began to prepare this reflection on 21st September, this year’s United Nations ‘International Day of Peace’. The UN General Assembly designates this day as “a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.” The UN’s theme for 2020 is ‘Shaping Peace …

Daily Update #141

Eph 2:1–10                              Psalm 100                               Luke 12:13–21Spur one anotherThe book of Ephesians is just the tonic, especially if you feel spiritually impoverished. I suggest a good dose three time a day will help no end! The whole book to me seems to open up God’s abundant treasure chest.Today’s reading from chapter 2 are uplifting, …

Daily Update #140

Ephesians 1:11-14, Psalm 33:1-6, 12, Luke 12:1-9Do you remember back when you were at school and teams had to be chosen for whatever sport was being played. For many of us, we watched as the great and the good sporty types were chosen week in and week out. That was fine, but it got more …

Daily Update #139

Daily Update – Thursday, 15th October 202 Today’s readings –        Ephesians 1:1-10              Psalm 98:1-4                           Luke 11:47-end Pause:  Lord Jesus, still our hearts and minds now, as we prepare to hear from your word.  Thank you for the eternal perspective which your word gives us.  Thank you that your word reveals to us the Father’s eternal plan to unite …

Daily Update #137

Today’s Readings  Galatians 5:1-6.       Psalm 119:41-48.           Luke 7:11-17. “This amazing section of Psalm 119 would prove revolutionary if only we would listen to it” (Dr Alec Motyer). So please read these 8 verses before we dive in. If you are like me you will be relieved that we only have 8 verses out of this Psalm’s 176 verses …

Daily Update #136

I hope you all had a good weekend. Today we are starting our new way of sending the Reflections out with Wednesday being our ‘News’ day.  So here is today’s Reflection from Martin Fair: Gal 4:21–5:1                           Psalm 113                     Luke 11:29–34Seated with the princes!Today I am stirred by Psalm 113. It is the first …