Category: News

We Will Remember Them

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them...

Giving & Stewardship 2023

A new booklet on giving & stewardship is now available, along with a recoding of a talk given by Revd Tom and a Q & A session held at the end of September 2023. For details the St Johns Giving page by clicking here....

Lunch Club – 6th November 2023

The next Lunch Club will be on the 6th November at 12.00pm. The team will serving Gammon and a pudding. Sue Fallon will be giving a short talk. This will be donations only and do let your neighbours and friends know about this. Please sign the sheet at the...

Light Party – 29th October 2023

Kim and Richards are doing a Light Party, with food and drink, on Sunday, 29th October between 4-6pm. This will be great fun for all the family, so do come along. There will be no 4.00pm Service on that day. Please click here to sign up....