Friday Fellowship

Friday Fellowship is after school for families to come and have some time together and enjoy fellowship. Children have time to play, and parents have time to chat. Then children spend half an hour in age groups exploring faith together and parents will have the opportunity to take part in the Alpha Series. Then joining …

Remembrance Sunday 2021

A service of remembrance will take plat at the war memorial, St. John’s Church, Southbourne on Sunday 14th November 2021. All are welcome to attend, to help limited the spread of COVID please keep a suitable distance between attendees.

New Wine Event – On Now!

New Wine worship and teaching sessions will be on-line in the Centre (upstairs) starting tonight (29th July) at 7-8.30 pm until Tuesday evening and 11-12.45am from tomorrow until Tuesday. Doors open 30 minutes before each session. We may also watch other seminars and conversations in the afternoon, depending on demand If you wish to come …

25th July – No Outdoor Service

Sadly the weather looks like it will be against us this week so we have taken the decision to postpone the outdoor service at St. John’s. You can still join the worship online on our virtual church page, and there will be a morning service at St. Nics. Every Blessing Matt & Team

Sunday 30th May – Service Online Only

With the main church building out of action, the service for Sunday 30th May will be online only. You can access the service by visiting the ‘Online Church‘ page. There will be coffee and chat at 11.15am via Zoom, connection details can be found in the weekly news or by getting in touch –

Daily Update #263

Pause:     “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.”                  Psalm 141 : 3 Ecclesiastes 6 : 7 – 12    “Everyone’s toil is for their mouth, yet their appetite is never satisfied.  What advantage have the wise over fools?  What do the poor gain by knowing how to conduct …