Author: Jon

Love Southbourne Christmas Quiz

The Love Southbourne BIG Quiz Christmas Special will take place here and on the We Love Southbourne FaceBook page from 2pm Christmas Day! All you need to take part is a paper and pen – open to everyone! The quiz will stay online for a week, so there is...

Daily Update #187

Readings  1 Samuel 1:24-28.       Psalm 113.           Luke 1:46-56. The first chapter of Luke’s gospel is incredibly dramatic. Here we read of the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that God had chosen her to be the mother of a son who “will be great and will be called the Son of the...

In need of a little help?

If you or someone you know is in need this Christmas, there is a selection of presents, food and everyday items available at the back of the church – please help yourself. The Church is open most days until about 3pm, there is a free book exchange too! If...

Daily Update #186

God will fulfil his promisesToday I am struck by the last verses of each of these readings for today.Zeph 3:18 ‘I will gather those of you who mourn for the festival,    so that you will no longer suffer reproach.Psalm 33:22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,    even as we hope in you.Luke...

Christmas Services from Chichester Diocese

The Diocese of Chichester have produce a series of Christmas services that can be accessed via their website or by using the links below… Christmas services for parishes The Bishop of Chichester’s Christmas Sermon for parishes Download Here 27th December 2020 The Rt Revd Will Hazlewood, Bishop of Lewes,...

Daily Update #185

Pause:  As we prepare to look at God’s Word let us quieten our minds, so that His Holy Spirit may speak to us today. Readings:  Jeremiah 23 : 5 – 8;    Psalm 71 : 3 – 8;    Luke 1 : 5 – 25 “The days are coming…” This short passage,...

Daily Update #184

Today’s readings –  Genesis 49:2,8-10  Psalm 72:1-5,18-19   Matthew 1:1-17 When I was a teenager my Dad spent many happy hours researching our family tree by visiting Somerset House in London, which was where the general records of births, marriages and deaths were stored.   Since then my brother has taken up the...

Daily Update #182

Readings: Zephaniah 3: 1-13, Psalm 34: 1-8, 22-23, Matthew 21:28-32Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn’t know what to do or where to turn – a rock and a hard place scenario? In your panic, you make a rash decision, which somehow works. Later, when...

Daily Update #181

Pause for reflectionWhat does today hold out for you today? In all the busyness of our daily lives, the extra burdens of the pandemic and the preparations and planning for Christmas. Let us pause and allow God to speak to us. Readings: Num 24:2-7 15-17          Ps 25:3-8                       ...