Author: Jon

Service for Sunday 28th March

This week we are streaming our service live from the church via Zoom, starting at 10am. If you are on the St. John’s mailing list you will have been sent the connection details, if not please email and we will them to you. This is our first time...

Daily Update #241

Pause:  As we prepare to look at God’s Word let us quieten our minds, so that   His Holy Spirit may speak to us today. Readings:  Jeremiah 20 : 10-13;  Psalm 18 : 1-6;  John 10 : 31- 42 “I love you, Lord, my strength.  The Lord is my rock, my...

The Big Quiz – 26th March

The Big Love Southbourne Quiz! will be live, right here at 7.15pm on the last Friday of each month. Anyone can play; individuals, couples, families or groups connected by their own video conference. 20 questions in 4 rounds, plus a special double points bonus question! All you will need is...

Daily Update #240

10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.” 12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.” 13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is...

Prayer Meeting – Sunday 28th March

Our usual meeting to pray as a whole church on the first Sunday of each month is being brought forward by one week, as the first Sunday in April is Easter Day. Do please join us at this meeting on 28th March! We will be praying for outreach work...

Daily Update #239

Daniel Chapter 3 This is an encouraging story about faith vs power. King Nebuchadnezzar’s beliefs about who he was, and about how powerfully he was led him to erect a golden image. Everyone was to bow to this image during a time of worship. Faithful Jews, Shadrach, Meshach and...

Service on Sunday 28th March

This week the service will be streamed live from the Church at 10am. If you would like to watch, please email for the Zoom link. If you are unable to join live, a recording of the service will be available on the church website on Sunday afternoon. This is our...

Daily Update #238

Josh 2:1-14                             Psalm 23                                 John 8:1-11 Which side are you on? For once I’m going to turn down the opportunity of writing about our Shepherd King (Psalm 23) and reflect on Rahab the harlot!2 Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. ‘Go, look over the...

Daily Update #237

St. John’s SouthbourneDaily Reflection by David Poulter Pause:  “I will sing of the Lord’s great love for ever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.  I will declare that your love stands firm for ever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.”                                                                                                Psalm 89...

Mark Everson – Memorial & Bench

It is with great sadness that we share our dear friend Mark has passed away. Mark was part of the St. John’s for many years and served as Church Warden, Organist and was the source of much humour and laughter. You can visit his memorial page here, and the...